This page contains runners maps and support drivers road maps for each leg along with files which can be downloaded and imported into various GPS devices and watches. We have provided gpx tracks (gps exchange file importable into many different units), tcx files (Garmin course files, mainly for Garmin handheld devices and Forerunner 205/305/310XT/910XT watches) or you can view the tracks online with google maps.
Whilst running the route, if you notice any mistakes on the leg descriptions or are willing to let us have your gps tracks, please contact us.
To download the gpx or tcx files onto your computer right click and select save target as.. and store into your Garmin - or other - directory. You then import the relevant file into Garmin Training Center, Express, Basecamp or the relevant software for your watch. If you need help with any particular software etc. send us an e-mail and we will try to help.
If you look at this how too PDF file it shows how to download, install and use the files using Training Center, although most people have moved onto using Express or Basecamp.